Quiet Rooms is an anthology collaboration between dave boles and D.R. Wagner. It features writers from a wide range of literature and from regions around the globe. It appears irregularly.


216pp. +  Soft Cover.  Perfect Bound. 6" x 9". 

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Carolyn Gregory A.D. Winans Tom Kryss Cassandra Dallett John Dorsey E.R. Baxter III Tim Kahl Sue Daly Diane Funston T. R. Hummer James Lee Jobe Stanley Zumbiel T. William Wallen Lelania Fowler Ed Balldinger Ann Wehrman Taylor Graham Lara Gularte Jeanine Stevens Deborah Shaw Hickerson Diane Seuss Tom Hedt Melissa Studdard Kent Taylor D. R. Wagner Laura Rosenthal Victoria Dalkey Jake Tringali Alice Anderson Ingrid Swanberg Dave Boles Bill Pieper Meg Pokrass Gary Cummiskey Susan Kelly DeWitt Karl Kempton Hongri Yuan, translated by Yuanbing Zhang